
Depending on your inquiry and affiliation, there are different ways of getting in contact with us.

Members of the CSD department @ Northwestern University

If you are a member of the CSD department at Northwestern, you have multiple options to reach us. However, ideally you utilize the SPARK SharePoint

As a department member, you have access to SPARK’s internal SharePoint site. There, we implemented a ticketing system specifically for department members through which you can submit an inquiry. Once received we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you would like to reach us via another option, please have a look at the next section.

Members of other Northwestern University departments and everyone

You can contact us via one of the options below, whatever works best for you.


You can reach us via Email: spark-csd at northwestern dot edu.

Open Office and hack hours

We conduct regular open office on Mondays from 10 am - 12 pm (CST) and hack hours on Wednesdays from 2 - 4 pm (CST), both in person and via zoom. If you would like to join via zoom, please write us a short Email and we will share the link (sorry we can not openly share the meeting link as there are many trolls scraping the internet for this sort of information).

During Open office hours, you can just stop by with your question and inquiry. If possible, please prepare a short overview/summary and materials (e.g. data, etc.). As we can’t predict how many people might want to utilize this offer, we can’t guarantee that we can attend to everyone. If you want, you can of course send us an Email before stopping by so that we can reserve a spot for you. Importantly, priority will be given to members of the CSD department.

Our hack hours are intended to be a form of show and tell. That is, if you have something you would like to share with people, e.g. a cool paper or resources, or want to try out with community support, e.g. a new analysis or tool, please just join. This is meant to a completely open format for everyone. Sometimes we might code a lot and other times, we might do a little tutorial or discuss a method or publication.